My Inspiring Place
I’m fortunate to live very close to a large area of mixed woodland that is open to the public and it’s here that I go to gather inspiration for my photography. Join me on a stroll around my favourite local wood.
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A Personal Arboretum
For the past few years I’ve been fascinated how certain individual trees in a woodland appear to take on their own characters and personalities. On occasions they seem to be taking part in some event, together with the trees surrounding them. I am of course anthropomorphising them in my imagination, but it is fun to do this whilst strolling round a piece of woodland. Here are a few examples of the kind of thing I mean.
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Midsummer Pathway. The lush green foliage completely covers the path of a small stream creating a feeling of summer warmth.
Standing In Line A group of twisted birch trees line up, as if on a very untidy parade.
Help! Get Me Out Of Here! This dying tree seems to be fighting to escape the tangle of branches holding it in.
Walking Ghost. A dead tree takes a walk through its ancestral homeland
Ghost. This dead tree surveys the place it used to call home whilst alive.
Reaching Out. The old tree on the left reaches out to the three young trees to impart its ancient wisdom
The Spider. Laying in wait for its next victim in a stagnant pool deep in the forest
Defeated. A fallen warrior lies dead on the floor of the forest after the last battle of the Ents
The Mighty Oak. A huge oak tree proclaims its reign over the forest.
A Scandinavian AdVANture
In 2019 and 2022 I made two photographic road trips in a camper van travelling around Scandinavia photographing this beautiful area.
Travelling 15000 miles and taking the same number of photographs I visited the southern tip of Sweden to the most northerly point on the European mainland, Knivsjellodden in Norway. Here are just a few of the images I managed to capture. Enjoy. If you would like a print of any of the images you see on this page, click here to go to my Print page
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A Winter Woodland
We rarely get snow in my local woodland these days, but when we do, it’s a real treat. Photographing the wood on these occasions is wonderful.
First Snow
Winter Sunrise
Unbeaten By The Winter
Winter Mist
Road Closed