What is GAMMA?
‘Bin It Twirl’ - ©Paula Davis
GAMMA PHOTOFORUM is a group of around 35 enthusiast and professional photographers formed in the north of England by Wilf Hall in 1981 to 'cultivate an informed perception of the photographic image'.
We aim to facilitate learning by discussion. We are non competitive within our group, and actively support our members’ individual projects and exhibitions.
We aim to be uniquely individual and not replace any other photographic organisation, group or society.
All members are expected to make presentations of work, either in finished or work in progress format, at least once every two years.
During such presentations the group will seek to discuss the work in a friendly and constructive manner as part of the learning, development and mutual support process.
Members are encouraged to participate, commenting on each others, and guest speakers’ work and views.
GAMMA is non profit making and all our activities are specifically aimed at providing inspiration for the committed photographer.
Membership is by invitation.
Find us on twitter @gammaphotoforum
‘Autumn hanami’ - © David Sault